Tokyo Apartment resident rules

Is there a official guideline on how many residents are allowed to stay in an 60 square meter apartment in Shibuya?

  1. You could either

    A) ask strangers on the internet

    B) ask the realtor/landlord showing the apartment

    Hard to tell which is the better option tho

  2. Don’t have an answer but a property agent once told me it would be a breach of contract if I were to rent an apartment in my name but shared it with other people living there semi-permanently without agreement of the landlord.

  3. Real answer: However many are on the lease.

    I once knew a crew of construction guys who rented out a couple LeoPalace units and bunked like ten to a room. Nice guys, in town for a temp contract. I made them a pot of curry a few times. Doubt they were all on the paperwork but they kept to themselves and got away with it.

  4. If you have more than 4 people living in a 60 square meter space, you might as well be living in a shoebox.

  5. I don’t think so. Just for sure, sharing an apartment with other people without landlord’s consent is a material breach of rent agreement and would most likely result in a termination of lease agreement. In most cases, you need to specify people actually reside in the apartment when you execute a lease agreement in Japan.

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