Basic credit card questions

Apologies in advance for the very basic questions. I just recently moved to Japan from the US and have been looking into banks and credit cards. Searching on Google and Reddit didn't really give me direct answers, so I'm hoping I could get answers here.

  1. I noticed many Japanese banks will charge a fee to transfer money out to another bank. Does that mean when paying a credit card bill, you're going to pay a fee when the credit card company deducts the amount from your bank account? Multipled by each additional credit card you own?
  2. If the previous point is true, do most people open bank accounts with the same company as their credit cards to avoid this fee?
  3. When I opened a phone plan, I noticed that they charge a fee for paying by bank account transfer, but no fee for paying by credit card. Is that typical in Japan? It caught me off guard because it's the opposite in the US.
  4. Is there any benefit to opening a debit card, or are credit cards strictly better than debit cards?

Thanks for the help!

by kitsunegi

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