NJPW should use MLW’s production for the STRONG US shows.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say when it comes to production quality in terms of video and audio, the NJPW shows in the US look mediocre at best with Fantasticamania USA reaching a new low. Yes I get it that they can't bring their Japanese production crew for US shows but come on, for "PPV" show, the quality of what we get is borderline insulting considering indie companies like GCW and Revolver look way better on FiteTV.

I was watching MLW blood and thunder and I saw that they were advertising fantastica mania and the quality of the MLW stream on YouTube (which was free btw) in terms of lighting, video and audio quality was MILES ahead of the NJPW show. So I wonder, why isn't NJPW using MLW's production. They're partners after all, and NJPW is the bigger our of the 2 companies so I'd make a lot of sense just use their production. Just my 2 cents there.

by mintplantdaddy

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