Hi I need female vocalist to sing ‘Fuyu no Biryuushi’ by COCO

I made my version of the song very loyal to the original.

This band brought happiness to my life and I want to make a cover in their honor, I want to include this cover in an album that I’m making with a girl who’s the principal singer, it’s not a professional project, I record, mix and master at home but I do it with all my heart for love for music.

So if you can sing in Japanese and you’re interested, send me a message.


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私は台湾人です! 私は日本が大好きです。私は近いうちに日本に引っ越して生活するつもりです。私の日本語の名前は桜子です! 日本の文化と言語についてもっと知りたい! あなたの友達になって嬉しいです!☺️☺️☺️ https://www.reddit.com/r/japan/comments/ygcslw/お知り合いになれてうれしいです/