Tofu still looks fine after a few weeks I’ve opened it, is it still safe to eat if it doesn’t feel slimy and doesn’t smell bad?

Tofu still looks fine after a few weeks I’ve opened it, is it still safe to eat if it doesn’t feel slimy and doesn’t smell bad?

  1. as long as it doesnt smell or taste bad and isnt slimy its perfectly ok

    just rely on your senses m80

  2. Smell is not the best way to tell if food is safe. It may smell fine but have bacteria growth. For tofu that was purchased refrigerated (as opposed to shelf stabilized tofu) an original unopened package of tofu can last for three to five days in the refrigerator—opened tofu can too, but you must store it in an airtight container with water.

  3. For safety better not to cook it. Tofu can be contaminated without observable changes. When you can smell or even taste a bit sourness then it’s the sign of the tofu getting bad.

  4. I change the water every other day to keep it fresh if package has been opened. If it’s slimy or smells bad toss it

  5. Yeah nah just throw it away. It smelling weird or being slimy are definitely when you shouldn’t eat it, but it’s not like it can’t make you sick even if it seems fine. Toss it. Few days is a bit much. 2 at max I’d say r fine for leaving opened tofu in the fridge

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