Health insurance increase but needs to be reduced!

I am a student but I think my income last year exceeded over 100,00,000 yen but I didn’t get all of it because of taxes from my company . I only gained approximately 80,00,000 yen but my health insurance costs 14800 like every month. Is there any ways to reduce. How much would it be reduced at least

by Kyu9802

  1. You’re a student earning 10,000,000 JPY a year?

    We don’t know how much it should be. Consult your ward/city hall. Explain your situation, tell them you’re a student, show your student ID and proof of income / gensen.

  2. 10 million is a high salary, 14800 sounds like a completely normal health insurance bill if you’re earning that much.

  3. The reduction is because students are poor. You are not poor. Your bill looks normal for your income.

  4. Are you adding any extra zeros? 8 mill yen for an student seems crazy. Anyways, like other people have mentioned, just go to your city ward and explain your situation

  5. If you are indeed earn 10 million yen a year then you are not entitled to exemption. Otherwise people would just claim they are students to avoid paying taxes.

    If your earned 10 million last year but earn nothing this year because you are a student, then you need to ask the city hall IF you can have an exemption as city health is based on last year’s income. But you would have been expected to have savings to cover your taxes this year. You will also need to pay pension and city tax.

  6. Are you sure it’s not 1Million and you got around 800.000¥? Because that seems more like a students salary if it’s really 10M I’m happy for you XD

  7. Is that 100m income, or 10m income?

    Either way 14k a month health insurance sounds way too low for you!

  8. Sorry guys I added too much zeros lmao it’s 100 thousand yen :)) I earned like 80 thousand yen per year

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