How to contact Japan Immigration Services Agency?

I am having difficulty contacting Japan Immigration Services Agency through phone.

I've tried the following numbers that were listed on their site:

+81 3-3580-4111

+81 3-5796-7112

+81 3-5369-6577

… and the response I get is: "The service you are attempting to use is restricted"

I would like to inquire if having an active Digital Nomad visa would affect the application process if my company were to apply for a Work Visa while my current visa is still active. When I called the consular office that issued the Digital Nomad Visa, they said that because the visa is still new, they aren't sure if a nomad visa can be transferred to a full work visa and to contact the Immigration Services Agency. When I asked for a number, they said to search it up.

Does anyone know what's the best way to contact the ISA?

by TheRedditon

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