My listening comprehension level varies a lot. Looking for suggestions.

Hi all

I consider my level somewhere before N2. I plan to take the test next December.

I am listening to Japanese at least 2 hours every day for the last 8 months.

Podcasts like YuYu's Podcast, Teppei Z and even American life which is aimed for natives I do very well. I would say I am at around 80-90% comprehension then fill in the rest.

Then there are native YouTubers like this amazing manga tutor that I also do quite well.
Comprehension is maybe something like 65-75% . I will always get the topic. I can follow what's going on.
(Random episode)

And then there is this random mario wonder review where my comprehension level suddenly drops to 5-10%. I don't understand a thing.

What on earth is going on?
I would consider a Mario review and a drawing tutorial at around the same level of complexity. It's not like I am watching a documentary about politics.
Why is it that I am struggling so much?

Has anyone experienced a similar situation? If so, did you break through it and how?

I suspect the answer is to just keep on grinding but times like these I feel like it's impossible!

Thank you in advance!

by Doginconfusion

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