Another day with bad air quality – do you open your windows ?

It’s currently only 65 but yesterday it hit 191 PM2.5 in my area and I don’t see why today will end differently.
I wasn’t checking air quality last year but in summer it did smell bad so I am thinking it was very high then too.

In this weather – do you open your windows for fresh air (with the air purifier running!), or do you just keep the purifier running 24/7 and everything closed?

I grew up in the countryside where we keep windows open a lot for fresh air, I have this non stop urge to open my windows but I am not sure if people raised in cities with similar air quality will think that’s crazy.

by tokyoevenings

  1. I would keep the windows closed and air cleaner on. At least that’s what I did when living in Beijing where aqi frequently was 300+…

  2. Just curious, but which area of Tokyo hit 191? I’m going to monitor the PMI today after your post.

  3. Once the outside temp goes over 80 degrees outside my Daikin comes on, 26C in Air Purification Mode and stays that way 24/7 until the end of summer with strategically placed fans blowing to other parts of the apt.

  4. I don’t cause it’s hot.

    191 never killed nobody. Not happy with it but not gonna lock myself in in a room that stinks of my sweaty sleeping odor just cause of that. (Thankfully, it doesn’t tho)

  5. Can I ask why is that bad air quality? Visited Tokyo a month ago and I did not have the impression that there were a lot of cars contaminating for example.

  6. you have to open your windows to get a fresh circulation of oxygen. you can use an air purifier indoors to maintain the quality of the air that you breathe.

  7. I can’t open my windows ’cause the bugs move in. Never living on the first floor again.

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