Nikko winter recommendations

Hi! We are going to Nikko in January-February. Our interests are culture, history, and food and alcohol. Here are our plans so far:

  1. Mon: Arrive via earliest Spacia-X. World Heritage area sights, Tamozawa Villa, Kanaya History House, maybe Kanmangafuchi Abyss. Evening: Taishuu-engeki performance at Nikko Momiji-za.
  2. Tues: Edo Wonderland, then in evening, either visit Ashikaga Flower Park for illuminations, or stay in town and go to the bar at Kanaya Hotel or the wine bar near the station.
  3. Wednesday: Head to Yunishigawa-Onsen (transit 10:00 AM ~ 1:00 PM) and spend the day in town/ryokan

I've been to Edo Wonderland in the past and have fond memories, but we might go to other theme parks this trip, so I'm wondering what else to do in the region in winter that isn't theme parks or hiking. I looked at a sake brewery tour in Shimo-imaichi but unsure what else to do to make a day of it. Or maybe visiting Lake Chuuzenji, but it seems like most things there are closed in the winter. Or visit Tochigi City and then Ashikaga Flower Park?

Thank you very much for any help and suggestions you can provide!

by cruciger

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