Building a Gaming PC?

For years I've been considering building a PC for gaming as well as some video editing.
This is in part because it's what's been recommended to me over buying something pre-built, but also it's something that interests me after looking into it a bit.

However, I'm wondering if people here think it's worth building over buying pre-built in Japan, especially when I'd be going for something on the low-end range. I'd also need to put in a lot more research (which I'd be willing to do if it's worth it).

My parents live in the US and I have USD sitting in a US bank, so I could potentially buy parts and ask them to package them safely to ship here.

Do you think it'd still be worth building a PC here? If so, are there any parts you'd recommend I buy in USD from the US and ship here to save money?

Wow, thank everyone who commented! I have a lot more information now to weigh out my decision

by IAmNotCrazyIThink

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