Kyoto university as an international graduate student

Hello all,

I was wondering if anybody could possibly give me any insight or advice about attending Kyoto University as an international graduate student.

I am about to finish my bachelors and really resonated with their masters in environmental studies.

I saw that they have English taught programs and I know a bit of Japanese but would be willing to learn more to study here!

I’m looking into the MEXT scholarship, but wouldn’t mind paying out of pocket for tuition.

If anyone could give me insight into the university culture, the English taught programs, or anything else I’d really appreciate it!

Thank you

by Bananaramamilkshake

  1. I have a friend who tried to get her PhD there, her supervisors were distant and unwelcoming, despite her ability she eventually gave up and went back to her home country rather than deal with the arrogant professor she was under

  2. As a graduate student you belong to a lab first, a faculty second. So find a professor you want as your degree supervisor and contact him/her to discuss whether you can join their lab and your possible financial options. The MEXT scholarship is the sweetest deal but other money is sometimes available to offset tuition and living expenses.

  3. I recently got my PhD from Kyoto in Economics, so I only know of the Graduate School of Economics. I had an amazing time there, made life long friends, lived in Kyoto for a year and can’t wait to visit. My circumstances are a bit different since I applied through a UK university and I essentially ended up doing 2 PhDs under a joint programme. I was funded by MEXT as well.

    For master’s you have better chances to go to Kyoto as part of a joint master degree. There is one example at Glasgow with the Global Economy Master’s degree, where you get to choose a to study at Glasgow, Barcelona, and Kyoto I believe for 6 months each. I didn’t do that, but I heard students had great experiences.

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