With the current talent on the roster what is the strongest card they could make for Wrestle Kingdom 19?

With Wrestle Dynasty being the show right after Wk. New Japan all the focus on the Main show with the current roster they have. In terms of talent,drawing power, and booking. Wrestle Kingdom 19 is going to be a real test on who are the guys the company will focus on for next year.

What is the strongest card they could pull?

Two Requirements: You must have at least all the titles involved.And you are allowed two guest talent from another promotion.

My Card:

●Opener:Henare vs Gabe Kidd for the Never and Strong title. Retiring the strong belt.

●Jr Tag Title: War Dogs vs SJTL Winners(TMDK) vs LIJ(Bushi & Titan)

●Jeff Cobb vs ELP for the TV Title

●Finlay vs Yuya Uemura

●TMDK vs Taichi & Sanada vs Evil/Narita vs Bishamon for the Iwgp Tag and strong titles.

●IWGP Junior: Akira vs Hiromu vs Despy vs Douki

●Shota vs Moxley

●Tsuji vs Shingo for the IWGP GHC Title

●Zsj vs Naito for the IWGP Title.

I was going to add a women's match.But there better off doing that the next day.

by DeathTriangle720

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