Breaking contract with Interac

Mods, if this should be in the employment thread let me know so I can move it.

I recently got a job offer from Interac and they only gave me five working days to make my decision, which is rather annoying as I am currently waiting to hear back from two other (and much better) jobs. My question is, if I accept this job and then break contract when one of the other offers comes through 1 or two weeks after, are there any ramifications, legal or otherwise, that I should be aware of?

To put things in perspective, I am highly qualified with a Masters in TESOL, have N2 Japanese and have been living in Japan for several years. Naturally, the pay at Interac is far lower than someone with good qualifications should be earning and the company itself is not exactly great. If I do break contract this way it will be well before my starting date and I won't have done any work to merit a pay check. I feel I can't simply turn the job down from the get go either as I need to secure a job here and want to play it safe.

Before people tell me that this is a dick move, trust me I know. I need to make the best career decision for me and there's no shortage of people trying to get into Japan.

by Lost_Gaijin

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