Weightlifting in Kobe/Osaka


I'm going to be moving to Kobe for 3 months and I'm hoping to find a place where I can continue training olympic weightlifting (it's quite a niche sport…) I'm finding it a little difficult to find information online as I don't speak Japanese (I'm moving with my husband who is learning, I'm still just in the early days of learning enough to get by). Does anyone here know much about training olympic weightlifting in Japan, or of anywhere that has the facilities in Kobe or Osaka? Gold's Gym seems to be quite popular there but it's unclear if they have 15kg women's oly bars or bumper plates (or if you're allowed to drop the weights, though I appreciate that's something to check in any gym, etiquette-wise). I know there are a few crossfit gyms but they're quite expensive.

Thanks for any advice!

by cat-scot

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こんにちは。 私の名前はリッキー・イングラオです。日本語を勉強しています(7月にN3試験を受けます)。ファーストスタディアカデミーで学び、大阪で1年間過ごす予定です。 この部屋は空いていますか? Hello. My name is Ricky and I am Austrian, I come from Spain to study in Japan and I am looking for a place to stay. I am a responsible, educated, clean and respectful man. Someone can help me?

こんにちは。 私の名前はリッキー・イングラオです。日本語を勉強しています(7月にN3試験を受けます)。ファーストスタディアカデミーで学び、大阪で1年間過ごす予定です。 この部屋は空いていますか? Hello. My name is Ricky and I am Austrian, I come from Spain to study…