Purchasing a yukata BUT hiring help to correctly put it on?

Hi all, I'm going to be in Kyoto in July, during Gion Matsuri. I plan on buying a yukata and don't foresee an issue doing that. However, I've never actually worn one and would like to wear it during the festival.

Does anyone know of a place (one of the rental places?) where I can bring in a yukata I bought and I can pay them to help me put it on correctly?

Also, if anyone does know of such a place, would I need to bring in the obi/accessories etc?

Thank you!

by well_my_knickers

  1. A lot of shops sell the whole set: yukata, obi, laces, geta and purse. There are some sets with a pre-tied obi lace, so very easy to use to as you don’t need to tie your obi.

    Still, putting on a yukata is very easy (kimono is a different story) – the trickiest part is the obi, but there’s thousands of videos on youtube you can follow to tie your obi in no time! Don’t stress and enjoy the matsuri!!!!

  2. Yukata isn’t like kimono. You can easily out it on yourself. Tie the obi in the front and just slid it around your body to the back. Get a friend to give a tug to tighten it up. Check out YouTube videos for it it’s really not complicated.

  3. I second that you can do it yourself! As long as you get the left over right part correct you’ll be fine. Just watch a few videos like these:



    You don’t even need all the extra clips and boards, just the long string to tie it up under the Obi imo. This lady does more fashionable takes on the yukata but still super helpful:



    I recommend getting a premade Obi, or a soft Obi to tie in a bow like this rather than a rigid one:


    I got a soft Obi and after practicing, tied it in a bow myself (see pic). It was so cute!!


    I researched A LOT to go to Gion Matsuri last year but when I arrived most people’s yukata were way messier than mine hahaha. Everyone was really casual. I cared WAY too much hahaha. (Also a lot of people had their hair down, just carried their normal handbags and wore normal sandals rather than geta! This year I’m going to wear flip flops hahah.)

    Anyway after watching videos (there are good ones in English on YouTube too) and practicing a few times, I’m sure you’ll be able to do it yourself 🙂

  4. I agree with everyone here that a yukata is pretty simple to put on and there are many tutorials on how to tie an obi.
    However, if you really want someone to put it on for you, I’m pretty sure they have that service Okamoto Kimono Rental. They also have multiple places in Kyoto and Gion is one of them. Their website has English too, so you should be able to navigate around it.

  5. A lot of hair salons will do it for you if they offer the service. They’ll do your hair too.

  6. There’s a shop called Yuusai, and they have a fitting room upstairs where they can help you put it on. My friend bought one and the staff said that he could come back the next day when he planned to wear it and they could help him. They get pretty packed during Gion though so get there earlier if you don’t want to wait as long.

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