Renewing Japanese Passport with Multiple Citizenships

Hi, I have a question about renewing my Japanese passport and have tried to find the answers I'm looking for here on Reddit but was unsuccessful so I'm making a new post about my situation.

I was born a Japanese and Canadian dual citizen, and since I last renewed my Japanese passport I've naturalized as an American citizen. My Japanese passport is expiring some time within a calendar year and I would like to renew it.

Is the process as simple as renewing it at the Consulate in the states? I know there's a chance that I'll have to make a declaration to abandon the other citizenship they know I have (Canadian) but what I am worried about is that now that I have voluntarily gained another citizenship (American) they may be skeptical how I am living in America (previously through a greencard). Or could it be easier to travel to Japan and renew it there? Any input is appreciated, thanks!

by dumbguy987321

  1. >since I last renewed my Japanese passport I’ve naturalized as an American citizen.

    Then you are no longer a Japanese citizen.

    Article 11 of the Japanese Nationality Law states:

    >If a Japanese citizen acquires the nationality of a foreign country at their own choice, that Japanese citizen loses Japanese nationality.


    This loss of citizenship is effectively instantaneous the moment you naturalized. It might take the Japanese government a while to find out if you don’t inform them, but if/when they find out you will be treated as if you lost your citizenship the second you signed the paperwork in the US.

    Any attempts to renew your Japanese passport would be considered fraudulent, as you are no longer a citizen.

    The government can (and does) pay attention to these things, and has arrested “citizens” for being in the country illegally due to naturalizing elsewhere:

    You were safe with your Canadian citizenship, because birth dual citizenship is a legal gray area that they do not pursue. But they actively crack down on citizens who have naturalized elsewhere.

  2. OP, you were OK until you picked up the American citizenship. You will not be able to renew unfortunately.

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