Worried about our marriage getting in the way of my wife’s acceptance into a teaching program.

Hoping to see if anyone has any insight or experience in what we're currently navigating.

My wife (27) is in the process of applying to a few different programs. After a seemingly flawless interview, she already was rejected by one (aeon) and while they didn't specify why, I have a hunch our marital status was a deciding factor. They asked a lot of personal questions about our marriage, and seemed baffled by the thought of me staying home and not going with her. She otherwise nailed the rest of the application/interview, and it was so early in the process I can't see another reason why she was justifiably rejected

She's now in the middle of applying to interac, and she just had her second interview today. She feels very good about how it went, but is a bit nervous because the interviewer did ask a good amount of personal questions about me/us. At first it was questions about if I would be going with her and if I would need a visa (the plan currently is I would be staying in the US to take care of our house and needy cats). Once she answered that I was not going with her, the questions seemed to get more personal. Am I supportive of this? Would we be ok doing long distance? My wife answered with the truth: I have known this is something she has really wanted to do her entire life, and I support her 100% and want this so bad for her.

Her initial plan was to do this right out of college, but due to extenuating circumstances she was not able to. Now that she is secure and settled, we think now is the best time for her to finally pursue this dream.

I am really worried that she is going to get rejected again just because of possible prejudice against a married woman being away from her husband for so long; that they wouldn't want to take a risk on an otherwise perfect candidate because either of us might reconsider everything while being so far away for that long.

She is considering calling her interviewer tomorrow morning to inquire more about how current married couples have navigated the program, and subtly emphasize that we are both 100% committed to her success with their company. We are cognizant though of not wanting to come on too desperate/paranoid, and are debating if this is a good decision. We want to make the best decision to give her the best chance of acceptance.

So I guess the overall question I have is, what do you think would be best for us to proceed? Is calling the interviewer a bad idea? Does anyone have experience as a married couple in this field, and how did you find it best to navigate? Would her chances be better if I were to go with her?

Any and all help appreciated 🙏

by kezebco

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