Basic (Stupid) Question Regarding SBI証券

Hey everybody, I am investing via SBI証券 since last year with the intention to go for the tax free 積み立てNISA. Recently when I added a new product into my monthly investments, I noticed that I was explicitly able to choose NISA, while with my current ones, I am not. As you can see on the screenshot, the ones I bought until now say 特定/一般, even though they have NISA in their title.

Now I am wondering, am I buying the wrong fonds and those are taxed normally? If I want to do NISA, should I sell them and re-invest in other ones which explicitly say NISA? And if so, do I have to report that at the end of the year? Since I am not that knowledgeable about investments, I just wanted to do the NISA because of the tax savings and that I do not have to do any paper work for the 年末調整. Sorry for that kind of basic question, but some clarification would be highly appreciated. Cheers!

by Fenrir1993GER

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