Parking in Japan (car tips)?

I plan to rent a car in Fukuoka because I plan to get to:

  • Hita (Attack on Titan Musuem, Hita Attack on Titan dam statue)
  • Kumamoto (see some of the One Piece Statues/explore area)
  • Beppu
  • Nanzoin Temple
  • Sakurai Futamigaura

What I was concerned about is parking, generally if I need to pay for parking what's the procedure?

  • Do I pay for parking at a machine, find someone to pay physically or what?
  • If I park at a convenience store (e.g. Lawson's, 7 Eleven). If I buy a snack/drink, could I possibly leave my car there for up to an hour let's say, while I go explore elsewhere? Or is this frowned upon and you should only park while you're shopping there.
  • If a place is private/residents only, are there any clear road signs to indicate this?
  • If anyone happens to have a good guess how much my tolls would be to travel from Fukuoka to all those places that would also be great. Any good rough estimate e.g. Â¥5000-Â¥10,000?

Any tips on renting car/driving around in Japan also appreciated, thanks! 😀

by Stunning_Suit_3934

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