I want to drive / bike solo for 10-15 days in Japan by myself; advice?

I'm 32/M/Indian and I've travelled reasonably much in the past – most of Europe, most of SE Asia, little bit of Middle East, etc. I also love to drive (and want to learn how to motorbike). I've never been to Japan, but my mum was a Japanese translator 30 years ago and I grew up with a lot of Japanese toys and kid stuff around me, so I've always been fascinated.

I have a stable, well-paying job, and a solid education. Since 2-3 months ago, I've been consumed by the idea of being cut off from my family and job and responsibilities for a couple of weeks, and in this time, also be away from social media etc. I don't know what this will do, but I feel like it would "reset" things in my head, de-stress me (trips with my family are quite stressful, therefore solo). I've been feeling burnt out, bogged down.

I feel like this would be best done by driving a car / motorbike over a 2-week period, and pretty much going where my instincts tell me to, once I've pinned down where I want to do this. Japan came to mind, but I'm not sure if I'm overlooking anything critical.

I might sound stupid, but please advise if you can. I don't know anything about car rentals in Japan, the social acceptability of solo Indian travellers (I look as Indian as one can), and any other perils.

by roster_key

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