Update on the Takedao Tunnel Hike on June 16th: The hike is ON. Weather, route, more pictures.

Check out the main link for all the details, but here are the updates.

Weather: Extended weather reports for the day are good with low wind and expected highs of 25-26 with low chance of rain and very little wind.

Altered Route: We went to the site to check out a new approach to the trailhead from the station. We found a path that takes us through a nice neighborhood with lots of personality, instead of the industrial area and busy road we had to use before. A nice improvement.

When we went to check it out, the weather was beautiful.


Here's a picture with one of the shortest tunnels in the background.

Didn't even need a light for that one.

The picture above shows how well maintained the trail is now–the picture below shows the ruins of the bridge we used to use on this hike when it was not maintained and we were told to enter at our own risks. That's part of the ruins on the right, next to the wooden bridge.


At the end of the trail there is a restaurant where you can eat wild boar, among other things, and a coffee shop with sweets. Here's what we had.

by OsakaWilson

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