What do you Japanese people think about the current work environment of Japan?

Hi, first of all I am an American and I have this very curious and interesting question of opinion for the Japanese citizens currently living in Japan. My question as the title reads, what do Japanese people think about it and would you guys ever want to see changes? I also wonder and ask, if a politician in Japan suddenly spoke publicly about changing the work environment – not changing the culture but the work environment to be much less strict, for example working 40 hours at max but have the options to work overtime without companies pressuring you – much like in America. Do you guys think this would be better and will make more people happy? I often hear that Japanese people work very long hours every day and practically sleep in the office and have no time for other ambitions, projects, activities or even family. I know some take a lot of pride in their work and see it as a good thing to overwork themselves and constantly find motivation behind it. Again, I am just curious to know how current Japanese people think and would they vote or support much stricter work hours and policies. I appreciate all answers!

by GammaBawm

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