This is gonna sound like a dumb question, but how do I eat? These they came in my sashimi platter. I have never gotten them before.

This is gonna sound like a dumb question, but how do I eat? These they came in my sashimi platter. I have never gotten them before.

by GREENtea110

  1. I start with the face, then the brain. And as u/babysharkdoodoodoo commented, with tentsuyu.

  2. I always used to get big bowls of these for free at my favourite sushi place because Westerners don’t know that when deep fried in the tempura oil, the heads are great. You just pop it in your mouth and chew. Nothing special. They are quite tasty, the chitin shells crumble easily, and they are nutritious. Feel free to dip them in shoyu, ponzu, or any sauce you like, or eat them plain. Yum

  3. If done right, they should be super crunchy and yummy. You eat it the same way you eat potato chips…. CRUCH CRUNCH CRUNCH

  4. Just on them and eat the whole thing. But it’s gotta be super fresh and hot from the fryer. Super umami and delicious

  5. You can it the whole thing, meaty part is the best with some ponzu and lemon. Just be careful when chewing because parts of the shell are sharp.

  6. If it’s the head section of a live shrimp the chef will serve either tossed in rice flour and deep fried or not cooked and served in miso broth.

    If it’s a frozen shrimp decent places will serve the head fried but not uncooked and served in miso. I’d try both.

    I hope you liked it. The head isn’t for a lot of people because the spines come off like you’re eating a bug. I love it and get sweet shrimp whenever it’s fresh. It’s like eating opposite things that compliment each other.

  7. Make sure you chew them well. I once got a bit of the antenna stuck in my throat and had to go to the ENT hospital to get it out.

  8. I take the legs off, they tend to get stuck in my throat… but I eat the rest.

  9. Eat them but carefully. A lot of the spiky parts are barbed, in the same way a fishhook is. So if you stab your mouth, it will be hard to remove it.

    My favorite sushi spot from childhood used to serve the shrimp with the nose spike whole, then one day they stopped doing it. I asked the chef why, and he said some drunk guy came in, aggressively tried to eat, and stabbed himself in the roof of the mouth so badly they had to call an ambulance.

    Since then I still enjoy them but I’m very deliberate about the spiky parts.

  10. You bite off all the meat outside the head and suck out the brains out, that’s how my filapina ex gf ate them. She said they’re good.

  11. If you order ぼたんえび(Spot Prawn) at a sushiya in Tokyo they will ask you how you want the head prepared, and it is the same for tempura places.

    I probably wouldn’t have it as takeout though. YMMV.

  12. I juu popem in my mouth chew and swallow. The brains still inside sometimes juicy but delicious. Westerners not used too it but Chinese and Thai eat shrimp heads it’s a delicacy. In fact they take them off to sell to westerners so people buy bags of shrimp heads marinate them bread and deep fry then stir fry vegetables and toss in heads with sauce serve with steamed rice or fried rice. Absolutely delicious.

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