Good day!
Planning a trip to Japan for a group around the end of the year – they'll be flying to Tokyo straight and back. Before staying at Tokyo, they're looking for a couple of nights at a place with nice onsens and heard about Hakone. Upon further research, one member in the travel party strongly disliked the ryokan experience (e.g. sleeping on futons, eating traditional Japanese breakfasts) and veto'd the two nights at Hakone.
Would there be any onsens near to Tokyo (e.g. within an hour or two by train) with a modern hotel? (e.g. non-ryokan)
Their previous onsen experience was at Fuji Q Highland Resort, which shares a public onsen but has a dedicated walkway direct from the hotel to the onsen, and the onsen usage fees are included in the hotel price so one can visit it as many times as they'd like.
Given that, they're looking for something similar:
Onsen can be public, we don't need an "in-the-room" experience.
Ideally included within the hotel price so that they don't have to pay for each individual use/visit
"Book-for-private-timeslot" onsens are also fine.
[Optional] Ideally somewhere near to nature so that they can do a short hike and soak in the onsen afterwards.
Separately, what would you recommend for backpacking accommodations and memorable things to do or places to see at Osaka and Nagoya? Approximately three days will be spent at each location.
For accommodations, hostels and budget hotels are fine, but are there are any specific chains recommended for this group of travelers?
For "memorable things to do", would there be any nice views (lakes/mountains/cityscapes) at these places? Since the time of this backpacking trip would be around Christmas Eve and Christmas, are there any places Japanese couples go to take good pictures? (e.g. night lights, Christmas lights/markets?)
by WasIMistakenor