Trying to understand the road to Permanent Residency

Hi everyone, hope you're keeping cool in the heat. My life has a few big changes on the road ahead and I'm trying to figure out what would be best for my next steps. Specifically, I'm trying to understand if I may jeopardize my eligibility for PR. I understand that any input here is just based on personal experiences, and I will likely be contacting immigration or an immigration lawyer soon, but any help you all can share from your experiences is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for you patience.

So in short, I have been working consistently as an Instructor in Japan since I arrived 5 years ago. I don't have another job lined up, and will be looking for something ideal for my future. I have enough savings to live as I have been for at least two years into the future, have been consistently paying taxes, have no criminal record and am happy to keep it going that way.

I also currently have an apartment and bank account open here that I plan to keep in my name and keep paying.

So my first thought was to change to a Short Term Stay (3 month tourist visa), but I am concerned with what unknown ramifications this might cause. To make my questions easier to follow, lets number them:

1) Would this "restart the clock" for PR? Essentially making me need to be in the country for 10 more years before I can apply for PR? Despite the fact that I have worked and paid taxes in good standing for 5 years straight, is any kind of "break" in the chain enough to throw it all out?

2) When I do find a job, would being on a Short Term Stay make it any more difficult to transfer my status to a working visa?

3) Is there any sort of "good faith" short extension while I job hunt?

4)I have heard of the Designated Activities job hunting status, but I am outside of the 5 year graduation window. I'm guessing this is entirely off the table?

5) Are there other visa types that could be useful to me? I have recently tried and not passed N1 (but I have N2), so the idea of a short term Student Visa crossed my mind to focus on my language skills, but I need to find a school that is appropriate first.

6) How would an Artist working visa work? One of my goals is to develop my design skills, and there doesn't appear to be a employment contract requirement for this. Not trying to exploit loopholes, but if I am an unsuccessful growing artist who PAYS TAXES, is that hunky dory?

7) I'd really like to avoid "Just work in an eikaiwa for a little bit", but I understand the practicality of that idea. If I got sponsored and got my new visa, but then quit within a month, would that cause any big issues until my status deadline approached again (I know about the grace period, but other than that)?

8) A good friend of mine has offered to hire me to his personal business, but what if I "Unpaid Internship"ed there?

I apologize for the likely redundancy of the topic, so I appreciate any help you all can provide. I have done some typical google searches, but a lot of clickbait-y articles aren't very in-depth, and the 外務省 website doesn't answer these either. So if anyone knows of helpful websites or contact info of reliable firms that I could be in touch with, that would be enormously helpful, too.

Thanks again, be well everyone

by DanRSL

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