Daihyo-in and submitting paperwork to the pension office questions.

Hey all, finalizing the setup of a GK here in Japan. I have the corporate seals, do I need some kind of special ink to be used with the Daihyo-in or do I just use the ink I have for my personal seal?

Also when looking at paperwork for the pension + health office, I noticed that 事業所整理番号 and 事業所番号 are requested for setting up a new employee (ie the director of the company), but I dont have those since I havent yet submitted 健康保険・厚生年金保険新規適用届. Do I submit that first, then wait until the numbers are issued, then submit 被保険者資格取得届 and 被扶養者(異動)届 after?

by Subject_Bill6556

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