What’s your favorite Konbini snack? I’m addicted to these.

What’s your favorite Konbini snack? I’m addicted to these.

  1. I can’t buy these things. They’re so easy to eat I always blast through the box in no time. ><

    If it’s sweets, I go for [Pejoy snacks](https://i.imgur.com/Cj5aBNg.jpg), especially the chocolate ones. They have more crunch than Pocky does. If it’s savory, I go for [Amanoya brand Himemaru crackers.](https://i.imgur.com/dJixB0C.jpg) They’re absolutely addictive.

    While not every konbini will have it, I also love getting [red bean daifuku](https://i.imgur.com/Tm4ndWa.jpg) and a [milk coffee.](https://i.imgur.com/KE37yR8.jpg) I actually prefer [UCC brand,](https://i.imgur.com/cNYFQWG.png) but for some reason it’s been getting really hard to find in the states lately.

  2. My favorite is the Garlic Butter Green Pea Snack from Family Mart. Those things are insane.

  3. I love those! My favorite is probably the bamboo shoot ones made by the same company.

  4. I’m still in America but I assume these are in conbini as well as Daiso? Ageichiban rice crackers are AMAZING, and I get them whenever I go to Daiso!!

  5. Those are great. But for me Black Thunder chocolate bars are way too delicious. I bought a bag just to have something sweet in the house when I’m hungry, but I ate the whole bag in one sitting.

  6. I always look for the little mentaiko triangle chips at family mart. I just love mentaiko so much.

  7. Dude I love these so much which is weird cus I’m not a huge fan of mushrooms otherwise lol.

  8. these used to be my favorite until i tied the chocolate filled pretzel octopus…forget the name

  9. Not every konbini carries them, but I like the different variations of *Tough Gummy* — which is self explanatory. They’re the toughest gummies out there.

  10. These are my absolute favorite, there’s a huge Korean supermarket near me and they stock candy and drinks from all over Asia and when I see these I have buy like 4 boxes. Sadly I tear through them in one day 😭

  11. Idk what they’re called but there’s squirrels on the box and they’re little crispy biscuits with a chocolate center, 11/10

    Edit: found them! LOTTE chocolate pie bites 🙂

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