Tokyo-Kyoto Itinerary

This is going to be my first time in Japan and I already have everything booked (flight and hotel) now I am working on building an itinerary. I am open to any suggestions but for the most part I am planning on walking between the different things I want to see since I've built this out to explore certain neighborhoods and be spontaneous along the way.

I am from NYC so I walk extensively pretty much everyday and I am also trying to learn some basic Japanese to be able to communicate with people. If there are any tips/suggestions and resources for learning Japanese I am open to it.

For food I am not looking for anything particular just looking for random food stalls, street food, restaurants, and bars along the way. Although I would like to do an Omakase night (any recommendations are helpful).

Day 0: 
Arrive to Tokyo November 17th at 14:30, check into hotel in Shinjuku
Walk through Shinjuku Gyeon and if I have time go to Meiji Jinju (12 minute walk from each other) 
Find dinner somewhere and go back to the hotel 

Day 1
Meiji Jinju Gaien (If I didnt have time Day 1) 
Walk through Shibuya Scramble 
Explore random streets and shops 

Day 2 
Tokyo Tower (40 min walk to Imperial Palace) 
Imperial Palace (30 min walk to Tsukiji Fish Market) 
Tsukiji Fish Market 

Day 3 
Tokyo SkyTree (25 min walk to Senso Ji) 
Senso Ji (10-15 min walk to Kappabashi) 
Kappabashi dougu street for shopping (45 min walk to Nezu Shrine) 
Nezu Shrine 

Day 4 
See what I didnt get a chance to see

Day 5
Check out of Hotel in Tokyo and head to Kyoto via Bullet Train 8am-10:30am 
Check into hotel or have them store my luggage until check in
Hotel is close to Kyoto Station so I should be able to get out into the city by 11 (hopefully)
Gio-ji Moss Garden (35 min walk to Okochi Sanso) 
Okochi Sanso  (Drive to Kinkakuji Temple about 30-40 mins) 
Kinkakuji Temple (35 min back to Kyoto Station) 

Day 1 Kyoto
Ruriko-In Temple (get there super early) 
Nishiki market shopping (1 hour by train to get here from Ruriko-In Temple) 
Go through the market and explore 
Imperial Palace (20 minute walk from Nishiki Market) 

Day 2 (these are relatively all in the same area)
Yasaka Pagoda
Sannenzaka Path
Kodai-ji temple 
Explore Gion 

Day 3 
Day trip to Osaka 

Day 4 
Do whatever I didn't do / shopping 
Bishamondo Temple (might change this)

Day 5
Head back to Tokyo via Bullet Train 
Arrive at 12ish
Fly home at 16:30

by VladPav17

  1. Day 2. Tsukiji pretty much shut by 2pm so walking might not be the most time efficient here unless you started at Tsukiji

  2. When are you going? I understand that you are used to walking, but the heat can be a lot. I’m from AZ and the heat and humidity still got to me. If you are sure you want to walk, try riding the train at least halfway  for the longer walks or buy cooling items from the different stores. 

  3. When you’re in Osaka definitely check out dotonburi. It’s a street/area full of street food, restaurants and bars. Very lively area.

  4. For day 1, Shinjuku Gyeon will probably be closed or about to close by the time you get there.

    For day 2 the Tsukiji Fish Market was relocated several years ago. The less interesting outer market remains.

    Across your trip you seem to be expecting to walk surprisingly long distances. Japan has probably the best public transport system in the world and I’d suggest that you take buses and the subway to get around. They’re easy to use. Japanese cities aren’t particularly interesting to walk around in especially for long distances.

  5. Hang in there Osaka area.. Much more friendlier people than near Tokyo.. Ganjin Friendly:) Hiroshima visit is a must!

  6. We are in Japan right now, first time for me but we did kind of an opposite itinerary— flew into Tokyo and then after one night there went straight to Kyoto so we can shop in Tokyo on the back end of the trip without lugging it around.

    For learning Japanese, my process was that I watched YouTube videos— search terms like “best Japanese for travel” “or best Japanese for restaurants” and they actually teach you phrases. Then I made a note in my phone with all the phrases spelled out phonetically. Then I made an audio recording of myself reading them with time for me to repeat them back. In weeks leading up to the trip I would listen to this in my car 1-2 times a day while commuting.

    My only recommendation in Kyoto would be to stay further from Kyoto station and closer to the center of the action of Kyoto. We are in a ryokan in Gion and it’s great, but I kind of like staying in more of a neighborhood as opposed to a city center. We can still walk to the main part of town to go to restaurants, market, etc. Kyoto station is kind of buzzy with big shopping malls etc.

    My only other advice like someone else said is try to get to shrines early to avoid crowds whenever possible.

    I can’t speak to the Tokyo itinerary as we aren’t there yet but have fun planning!

  7. Day 1 Kyoto. Since you are already in Nishiki Market, I would like to recommend that you see GEAR Theater. Book your ticket in advance thru their website.

  8. Day 5. Upon arrival in Kyoto, if you have nothing immediate to do, I suggest Kyoto Railway Museum, if its suits your interest.

    I arrived on Kyoto also via shinkansen around 11am, but check in at my hotel (near Nijō-jō) was 4pm, so I filled in the extra time with that museum visit. It was worth it for a train nerd like me 😅

  9. I am really interested what draws you to Ruriko-in. It looks really nice but it’s a long way from anything.

    There are loads of smaller temples (and bigger ones) in Higashiyama, only Kiyomizudera and Ginkaku-ji get tons of tourists. Crowd managemwnt at Ginkaku-ji was pretty good, so you get the famous photos, people were polite and queued, but i was there early. Found tourist coach tours were at the “big” sites at 9.30 (happened to me at Ryoan-ji).

    I really like your Kyoto itinerary. You mix some famous stuff and not so famous prob. less crowded. All I want to say Nishiki Market is really overrated. Better to go some specialty store depending what you are after.

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