Japan Post, loss of ¥89.6 billion in postal services for the second year in a row.

Japan Post, loss of ¥89.6 billion in postal services for the second year in a row.

by ZaBlancJake

  1. Whether this is a problem or not depends largely on whether you think the postal service should be tested like a business, or as a public service.

  2. Aside from the small issue of a 89.6 billion loss …your service is awesome and you never lose my shit. I’m sure their maintenance cost on their vehicles alone must be through the roof … you know they are coming or leaving by the sound of the RPM’s being maxed out

  3. Should be a public service. Same as major train lines. The overall economic / social benefit to society far exceeds the losses.

  4. Who cares if public services lose money? They are meant to be funded primarily through taxes anyway. Hate this American mindset that everything must be a business.

  5. >2.2 billion yen profit in International Postal

    …I knew there is a reason why the SAL option was never re-introduced after being suspended during covid.

  6. They’re going to see more losses now too as they’ve effectively killed off end of year greeting cards with their recent price hike. 63¥to 84¥ per card is a huge difference if you’re sending out a lot 🤔

  7. We might as report the politician salaries as a loss, NHK as a loss, and probably the roads, water services and the defense force.

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