How good is the Japanese generated by ChatGPT?

I was thinking about using the app for generating custom exercises, but naturally I'm worried that the app will end up teaching me incorrect or unnatural Japanese. ChatGPT's English though is immaculate in terms of grammar and word usage (at least as far as I can tell) so I think it's safe to use it for studying English, but what about its Japanese? (btw I also tried generating some Russian and I was very impressed by it as a native speaker.)

Here are some sample sentences I generated using ChatGPT 4. Would you guys mind telling me how good they are? Is it a good idea to use them for study?

  • 雨が降っていたにもかかわらず、私たちは散歩に行くことにしました。

Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk.

  • 一生懸命勉強すれば、きっと試験に合格するでしょう。

If you study hard, you will definitely pass the exam.

  • 彼女は読書をしながらクラシック音楽を聴くのが好きです。

She enjoys listening to classical music while reading.

  • 彼が到着したときには、会議はすでに始まっていました。

By the time he arrived, the meeting had already started.

  • 彼女は頭がいいだけでなく、とても優しい心の持ち主でもありました。

She was not only intelligent but also very kind-hearted.

  • 彼は裕福でありながらも、質素で謙虚な生活を送っていました。

Despite his wealth, he lived a simple and humble life.

  • 仕事を終えた後、彼女は友達に会いに出かけました。

After finishing her work, she went out to meet her friends.

  • 急がないと、最終電車に間に合わなくなります。

Unless you hurry, you will miss the last train home.

  • 彼は友達の忠告を真剣に受け止めなかったことを後悔しました。

He regretted not taking his friend's advice seriously.

  • 彼女はとても疲れていたので、すぐに眠ってしまいました。

She was so tired that she fell asleep immediately.

And just for fun, here's a chatGPT translation of the beginning of Anna Karenina to see how it would handle a more complex text.


by Fafner_88

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