Looking for some specific information re. opening a shop

Hi everyone. Currently researching entrepreneur visa for Japan. I am researching opening a shop*. Hoping people with experience here can give some advice on a few specifics.

For background, I have travelled to Japan multiple times, worked there (some time ago) for a few months, speak some Japanese and plan to spend 1-2 years at language school before starting a business. I have the capital to fund 2 years language school, 15M yen to invest in the business and also extra funds to cover cost of living while setting that up. For the shop I am looking at I am aware of the market in Japan, am very aware of the products I would want to sell (yarn and textiles) and would have some introductions to suppliers outside of Japan. I also have Japanese friends who are not experts in law or immigration but have said they are 'happy to hold my hand' through the process if they can help in any way 🙂

With that out of the way…

  • I have demonstrable experience as a manager, but not in retail. I understand that you are expected to have an appropriate background and working history, so would this be an issue? Can anyone give examples or advice on how strict this expectation is. If need be I could volunteer at a good friends yarn shop for a few months, but would prefer not to if I don't need to.

  • I plan on employing Japanese people to work in the shop (which would cover the requirement for at least two Japanese employees). Is there a requirement for me to be 'hands-on' for the life of the business? Or can you set-up the business and get it running, hire a manager, but still be eligible to live in Japan?

  • Can you continually renew the visa to cover the 10 years required to apply for PR?


*I am also looking at buying an existing shop, but obviously dependent on there being businesses for sale!

by Jolly_Garbage3381

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