General recommendation on how to proceed

Hi everyone!

Me and my partner dream of moving to Japan but we really don't have any ground to get a visa. I'm wondering if you can recommend if one way is better than the other, in your experience.

I'm considering the following options:
Going for studies – both either BA or MA.
Going to a language school
Or getting a job (teaching/other)

I suppose these are obvious choices but I'm not sure what can work best for me and my SO. Here's some info about us for context:
We live in the EU but are both from eastern europe. I have a remote entry level job (~20k a year) in tech support which gives me my residency here and my partner is kitchen staff with international protection that needs yearly renewal.
We have very little savings but no outstanding liabilities and nothing really holding us here. I also have a BA in filmmaking which I know is not great but it's a degree nonetheless. My English is somewhat fluent but my SO not so much. We're also both learning Japanese but slowly and kinda painfully since we're self taught.

I would have loved for us to visit first but frankly we can't afford to go and come back, it'd take us back in an entire year in savings, not to mention we need a visa to even travel there.

Do you think I have a shot of getting a film job? I've got a lot of experience but I do not love this industry and have read that it's not really open to foreigners (fair enough tho).
I'm also wondering if it's worth it to invest and go for a language school. I'm not too certain in this idea given that we live in a rather fragile financial state.

I'm guessing a company won't sponsor a visa for a support position as well as kitchen staff? We're both willing to learn new skills but it's taking a while, ie my partner is learning coding on his own.

Would you risk it and go without a good ground for staying and work it out on the spot or would rather first work out a solid solution for all of this, taking your time?
Thing is we're not living in our home state and can't return for political reasons and are rather unhappy here. I've read that Japanese are not welcoming to outsiders but to be honest neither are the people where we live. It's a small country in the north of europe, very protective of it's language and heritage and therefore unreceptive to others. We don't like their culture and language and are not integrating but have been long time fans of Japenese culture so are willing to try hard and integrate well.

Any advice appreciated. Cheers

by Z_one_onlyyourztruly

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