Dual citizens, how did you manage to get situated in Japan?

Hello, I'm a 24yr old Japanese citizen that has been living outside of Japan for most of my life. I'm interested in moving there, however I have some hurdles to overcome.
Primary, I'd be like a ghost appearing out of thin air. I don't have an address, job, or bank account in Japan. In order to open a bank account I need an address, and vice versa.
Secondly, I cannot read Kanji. I can hold a conversation just fine however reading is something else. I can just hire an interpreter for government docs and bank info, however money may tighten up quicky.

Unlike those who already live in Japan or foreign residents who are expected to have a job or school lined up and a system in place to get them situated, I don't have that luxury.
I don't want to just go there and hope it works out. I need something to hold on to so I don't end up homeless or back home with my tail between my legs.
My family in Japan probably won't be an option for help considering they live 4 hours from Tokyo. Not trying to cause meiwaku for them. I already know my aunt wouldn't be open to me asking for help and my cousin is flaky.

I have looked into Sony bank but it appears the English version is geared to foreign residents. That would have been my best option to have some money ready for myself and not have to navigate an app in Japanese.

TLDR: All I have is a Japanese passport but nothing else to get situated for living in Japan.
All help is appreciated, thank you.

Edit: grammar, formatting

P.S. I have a high school diploma and some college with a focus on IT. I'd probaby do construction or automotive because I don't have a lot of confidence in programming.

by No_Instruction_6605

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