FANG remote work software engineer advice moving US->JP

Looking for advice from other major tech employees in CS or Software Engineering with moving from the US->Japan!

Some background: I have a bachelors degree and work for a large tech company that has offices globally as well as thousands of remote workers around the world. I work remotely myself and am interested in moving to Japan since it is a very easy time in my life to do so. I'm well familiar with the dangers of over-romanticizing how it can be, so I'm focusing on setting real expectations.

I visited the country a month ago and extremely enjoyed it, although I understand living here as a tourist is much different. I have minimal Japanese lang skills but have a good amount of cultural/historical knowledge and context which helps drive my interest in learning. I have already signed a lease in the US so my plan is to take 1-2 years to begin self-learning as much as I can before potentially making a move.

Questions I have:

  1. I understand different companies operate vastly differently, but was it possible for you as a FANG employee to get a intra-company transfer to work remotely from Japan? Can you provide details on how that process looked? And when you did, did this affect salary?

  2. I noticed my company has 4 offices in different regions of Japan, but I'm unsure if those are only for sales and not for a Software Engineering position. Obviously I'm not asking you as an outsider for details of internal company ops, but was your company able to help sponsor your COE for a work visa since they had some form of operations located in Japan?

by Financial_Nail_9092

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