2 nights at Hakone or Atami?

Planning a short solo trip to either of these 2 towns.
Any suggestions on which one to go? In terms of budget, things to do, public transport availablity.?

  1. Both has good transport. Atami is a bit more accessible from the west, Hakone from the east. Hakone probably has more to do. You can find budget hotel anywhere.

    There. That’s as much as I could tell you without any information from you whatsoever.

  2. Atami feels like it’s stuck in the 80’s. It has a very retro vibey feel, but it has seen better days. Find the candy shop with the secret room with an old game center and other paraphenelia (jukeboxes from the 30s etc.). The guy there is super scary, but they are nice people.

    Other attractions include the fake castle, the geyser that killed Poor Toby the dog, and the statue where a man kicks a woman.

  3. Mountains or sea? I went to both. I think I liked Atami better. What others said, it was built during the golden economic period and got stuck there. But I loved my room bath with sea view and the food. For couple I’d go there.

    Hakone is more fun if you want to hike or see attractions. The fuji train to get there. The onsen egg, mines, cable car, etc a lot of things to do. With family, is pick Hakone.

  4. I live in the area, one stop up from Atami in Yugawara. Atami’s pretty kitsch tbh, but has a decent nightlife. Hakone is more solemn, and presumably more relaxing. Both are 100% tourist towns.

    Manazuru’s quite popular, and my own town of Yugawara gets some traffic though its comparatively quiet. Neither is touristy at all, to their detriment and merit.

    Check out Yugawara. Stay at [Treeside](http://treeside.jp/) near the station. Go to the beach, then to [Makuyama Park](https://goo.gl/maps/TG8Dj5s42BTNuE7Z7) to hike or boulder. Hit the onsen at [New Welcity](https://goo.gl/maps/B3bgGQmJ75hRLa7C8), get some local craft beer and boar & deer meat at [Kadoya](https://goo.gl/maps/qJF2srjHUoPqMZVy8), and try to get a spot at [Yoru no Ajito](https://goo.gl/maps/mUMpHrP7SEuKH5YE8) for dinner.

  5. Atami is basically A Japanese Miami without the cocaine, but with hot springs.

    I remember when it was regularly visited by Yakuza – when they were a thing. Get yourself over to Hatsushima to try their hot spring and snorkeling. Sit in Jonathan’s at the Southern end of the beach for a great view and wait for robot waiters to bring you beer.

    Nurse a hangover at Sunbird Cafe or go to Bonnet Cafe, sometimes frequented by Yukio Mishima until he went crazy.

    Other attractions await. PM me if you want more inane suggestions.

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