Leaving Japan while on working holiday visa, what to take care of?

Hi all,

I'm planning on going to Japan on a working holiday visa for about 4 months. My plan is to not work there, and use my time for traveling.

As far as I understood, I will get a Residence Card (Zairyu Card) when passing Immigration at Narita airport with my WHV. Then I have 14 days to register a permanent address. When registering at the responsible ward office I also need to apply for the national health insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken), since I don't have a company covering it. The health insurance card is then delivered to me via mail.

So far, so good.

But I haven't really found out how and where to pay for the health insurance. Do you pay in advance when applying at the ward office, or afterwards?

Also, when leaving Japan and not planning on entering again under the WHV, what do I have to take care of? Do you have to de-register the residence and also cancel the national health insurance?

Many thanks in advance!

by Basic-Transition-527

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