What is the cost my employer would need to pay to setup a legal business entity in Japan


I've tried looking this up in as many ways as possible, and I've found wildly different (and unclear in most cases) results, so I figured I'd try here. I am not the brightest, so I could've easily missed the answer somewhere, so sorry in advance.

I live in America, and have worked for an company for a little over 9 years now. We're a smaller company, that, and my tenure, allows me some flexibility in what my company will do for me. My goal is to move from America to Japan, while staying with my employer. My employer does have "entities" in Canada and India. We are a fully remote company, but we do have a physical location in India (Canada location is fully remote and has no physical location). I would like to propose opening a business entity in Japan (presumably a GK?). I am trying to get an exact cost determined for them doing so, before initiating this conversation.

To clarify – The business entity would be from a legal standpoint for employment in Japan, and would have no physical location. I would be the sole employee, and would work remote. I am aiming for a long term visa for myself, wife, and children, with eventually permanent residency in the future. I have significant resources to pay for the relocation, and sustain my family with ease. I am 30 years old. Company is in the IT/AI space. There is no other easily obtainable path to a long term visa (from my understanding!) that I would qualify for, outside of seeking employment for a Japanese company, but I am happy where I am at

tldr – What is the cost my employer would need to pay to setup a legal business entity in Japan, and employ me there?

by 3DRapture

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