What’s the state of mental health services in Japan and how readily do people use them?

I am asking because I have a Japanese friend who seems to need some counseling and possibly medication. I haven't lived in Japan for quite some time and never really enquired about the subject when I lived there. My friend is a female in her mid-30s who seems to be going through a pretty severe depressive episode. I don't think she is going to hurt herself or anything but she's clearly in a massive depressive rut. It seems like something that could be treated with counseling but when I suggested this option, she dismissed the idea as ridiculous.

I have a few questions on the subject. Do Japanese people go to mental health counselors? Is it considered taboo? What is the state of mental health in Japan? Do they have good treatment options? Do Japanese people take antidepressants at anywhere near the rate of their Western counterparts?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

by AaronicNation

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