What are some Non-Teaching Jobs?

What are some non-teaching jobs available for foreigners? What are some websites that I can use to find jobs in Japan?

For reference, I am 23F and have all the experience and qualifications to be a teacher. But I would really rather not be a teacher anymore. I am preparing to be a teacher just in case all else fails, like a back up plan. Like I know that is a major market in Japan and I respect that. Everyone I have physically talked to says that's the only jobs available for an American moving to Japan. Obviously, I know there are different jobs out there, but I am unsure of how to even find them. But as an American, what are some non-teaching jobs available to work at in Japan? I will be moving to Japan next summer.

Additionally, or alternatively, what are some websites to find jobs in Japan?

by Few-Preparation9839

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