Is it possible for an American to help farm rice in Japan?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this post.

I am an American (27f) and currently speak japanese at N4 level through self study and weekly tutoring. This fall 2024 I will be going to KCP international to do a semester of Japanese, and take the December JLPT N4 so I can apply for an academic visa to study winter/spring of 2025.

A year ago I became friends and penpals with a rice farmer while traveling in Japan, and visited him again to catch up this spring. I have always expressed interest in wanting to help work on his rice farm. When I asked about working for a summer, he said“I cannot pay you much, but if it is possible I will help you apply to work!” And he has continued to be supportive of the idea.

So, I have been trying to figure out if it could be possible!

I have worked for the US department of Agriculture for the past 4 years, but as a trails technician and wildland firefighter. I do not have documented farm experience. I have no bachelor’s degree, but some experience with higher level college biology and plant systematics courses.

I’ve read all the information provided on the government website about the SSW agricultural visa process. I’ve read the study materials and should be able to pass the ASAT and Language exams necessary to be eligible for a SSW1 agricultural visa. I cannot find anywhere that Americans are unable to apply- but I have not seen any western employee examples given. I am aware this visa has a reputation of being used to exploit cheap labor, and also know that I would be paid very little. But I am looking for an opportunity to speak japanese, work very hard every day, and live in rural japan. At my current arduous blue collar job, I have saved up a more than healthy amount of American dollars to support myself during this time and will be my own financial supporter through the following academic year.

So, am I misunderstanding my eligibility for this visa?

My friend’s farm is a business, but I am unsure of what qualifies as an “Accepting agency” and am having issues finding out how to help them apply to become a “registered accepting agency.”
They are fluent in english, and are business partners with an American immigrant who would be able to help support me in english. There is also a good network of english speaking support within this city. So, from my little understanding, maybe this could be possible?

Am I misunderstanding the process and eligibility of this visa? This visa’s shady reputation has me worried, it seems too good that I could possibly be able to use it to work on my friend’s farm for a summer.

I understand this idea is a little crazy, so if I am being very stupid, I apologize for being loud and stupid.

TLDR: would it be possible for me to qualify for an SSW1 visa, so I can work minimum wage on my friend’s rice farm for a summer/fall? Is it possible for a moderately small farm to be eligible to hire me? Where is a better place to ask these questions?

I would be very thankful for any information, knowledge, or experiences anyone may be willing to share. Thank you so much for your time and help, i greatly appreciate it.

by Immediate_Slide2175

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