JLPT N4, what are the odds of being able to live in Japan?

Hello! I'm a 16yo American guy who was able to earn his JLPT N4 cert back in Januray and am looking to take the N3 in July and the N2 in December. I'm mostly looking to be a student in Japan if possible? But I have no idea if what I'm dreaming about is a long shot…

I am going to a state sponsored govenors school next month with the study being called "Full immersion Japanese." This course means that once you land in Japan, you won't be allowed to speak ANY English at all. I passed the beginners course by taking a pretest so I will be taking the intermediate course. Because of this, I will be going to Japan for a month and hopefully will learn a lot more about Japanese.

I make JPop vocaloid music in Japanese on another channel that I use (which has a great amount of fans), I translate full Japanese songs and manga panels, and I truly just like the language and the culture as a whole. I do want to imagine living in Japan as a possibility in my life but I do want a reality check on what I would have to do and if it's really possible for me.

I have been to Japan once before when I was 15 for a tournament. I was there for two weeks and had the best time of my life. I still do know, though, that visiting and living there are two completely different things.

This is mostly a theoretical question that I have, and I was wondering if I could live in Japan given the right effort?


by PainoGamingYT

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