I have the option to get nikkei visa. But my mom wants me to get a German passport.

My dad was born in Japan and my grandmother was from Osaka. I really wanted to connect to my japanese heritage but my mom was already getting my sister and I set up for a german passport since my grandma on my mom's side was from Munich. I'm not sure what to do. I appreciate both of my heritages yet japan doesn't allow dual citizenship. It's really tough…

by Hot-Grass4047

  1. I would bet on Germany myself. I’ve been waiting for Japan to go somewhere for 30 years, and have completely given up by now

  2. I’d do Germany just for the EU benefits IMO. You get free access to dozens of countries.

  3. How connected are you to Japan though?
    And Your dad is a Japanese national?
    Nikkei Visa and becoming a Japanese national are different.

  4. Take the German passport, it is one of the best in the world in terms of travelling. You can also enter Japan without visa Then

  5. A Nikkei visa isn’t citizenship, it’s a status of residence.

    It goes in an existing passport that you have.

    And the dual citizenship rule is only for people with Japanese citizenship

  6. Like said before, nikkei visa isn’t citizenship, you can get the German passport/citizenship and a nikkei visa. I’m brazilian nikkei living in japan.

  7. Get the German passport and apply for a long term resident visa through being a Japanese descendant. It’s not one or the other.

    Japan doesn’t allow dual citizenship if you’re Japanese. You can have as many and get a visa here.

  8. Get both the German passport and a Nikkei visa. You don’t have to choose. The Nikkei visa is a long term resident visa that allows work, and it’s not citizenship. If you find yourself living in Japan and your future is there, then you can always apply for citizenship after meeting requirements.

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