Is Hoikuen in Tokyo possible – if wifey still looking out for job?

Friends, I am moving to Japan in August. I have two children – a 6.5-year-old daughter and a 1.5-year-old son. Due to the high cost of living near my office and proximity to my daughter's school, I'm planning to live farther away, which means a one-hour commute each way to the office. This arrangement means I won't be home with my family until evening. Consequently, my wife will be primarily responsible for taking care of our children. She was employed in our home country but has decided to quit her job to relocate to Tokyo with us. Managing both children will be challenging, so we're exploring ways to keep our younger child engaged. We're considering private daycare as an option, though I'm unsure about its affordability.

Our current situation is that my wife may not immediately start job hunting upon arrival. A lot depends on how well we settle in and how comfortable our daughter becomes with her new school. Only then will my wife consider looking for employment. I'm seeking information on whether the Hoikuen system in Japan would support childcare for our younger child, even though my wife is not currently working?

by OpportunityNew6902

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