Where should I apply with qualifications?

Hi Redditors!

I've scoured this reddit page for ages and I'm quite surprised that the pay for teaching English in Japan is being cut every year. I read that this was for people who were "unqualified" or had no teaching experience.

I'll be graduating next year with a bachelors degree with teaching english (literature – but I'll also do a CELTA/TEFL course) and teaching Mandarin Chinese as a Second Language.

I do plan to teach for at least a year before travelling. I plan to do my masters in the UK and while doing that, I hope to get up to level n2 (for japanese) and hsk 5 (for chinese).

A lot of people have said that teaching at private schools in Japan are my best bet, but are there any other alternatives?

I heard universities are an option bit apparently they don't pay well either.

Please let me know!

edit: so what I'm actually asking for after my plans is that, after 2 years of teaching while obtaining a masters degree and getting certification with TESOL, what kind of job could I possibly get? Because I know private schools and universities are my best bet (from what I've researched)

Edit 2: I would like to state my degree is a bachelors in education secondary (with teaching areas of english and Chinese), therefore post graduation, I'll be a fully licenced teacher in Australia

by kiki-5865

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