Genki or Japanese from Zero? Can it be both?

Hello. I had tried to study japanese from Genki on multiple occasions, by myself or with others.
Up until chapter 3. I get so frustrated when I reach it every time. I feel like there's a huge jump from the previous lessons, and nothing sticks, and I get burnout trying to make sense of things. So I eventually drop it. Even if I feel motivated to study. I like to think I have a pretty good study habit, I like to read and write a lot. And I don't have a problem scheduling one or two hours daily for it. Usually, on weekends, I switch from textbooks and just watch something, play games to aliviate my mind, and it's a great way for me to keep at it. But I don't know why I can move past the 3rd lesson.

I found out about the Japanese from Zero. And for what I have read. It stretches out the lessons in more enjoyable chunks, lower paced than genki.

Could I do both of them? Or try genki on some weekdays and then use Japanese from zero every other day for more in-depth info/study?

I own both Genki and JFZ books.

I also have checked that both Genki (Tokini Andy) and JFZ (The author itself George) has some youtube videos that explain everything, I think this would help tremendously since it will give my mind a break from trying to figure out things on my own when I don't undertand a concept. My primary language is spanish, I'm mostly fluent on english as my secondary, but since I barely use it here where I live, I tend to not recognize some stuff concerning english grammar and their rules.

Japanese Pronunciation I have found to be easier for me since the japanese pronunciation is very similar to the spanish pronunciation. I don'thave to change the way a word sounds (except on some occasions)

What other methods should I try?

by wondergryphon2

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