Permanent Residence VISA


I think I'll be eligible for permanent residence in a few years. However, I would like to know the pros and cons of this?

For example, I am originally from France, but currently live in Japan and pay taxes and contributions only in France (because I have a French expat contract in Japan).

If I get this visa, will I have any additional constraints? Like paying taxes and contributions in France AND in Japan?

Is it like a magic card that would allow me, for example, to live in France all the time for several years in the future, and if I feel like going back to Japan for 6 months or 1 year without worrying about paperwork and visas, is that possible? A sort of "laissez passer" allowing me to go back and forth between my home country and Japan without having to worry about anything?

Are there pros and cons?

Thanks in advance

by Bahamut_BGU

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