Was just screamed at by an old Japanese man that « I’m not welcomed in their land » in front of everyone in Akihabara

I tried to brush it off quickly after, but the contempt in his voice stuck with me. I'm pretty sure that's me he pointed at even tho I was looking at my phone, I was the only poc there. I've lived here for 9 months and have only ever had positive interactions with Japanese people, so to say I'm stunned is an understatement. I used to say I had such good luck never experiencing blatant or frontal racism as a French girl with Tunisian roots, even back in my country France, which is infamous for its rising racism, but I guess that era came to an end lol

My confidence isn't that high and I couldn't help but feel ashamed that he shouted that in the middle of the street. This will stick with me for a while, and I'm not the first person he's done this to … so yeah

(Edit : sorry, some asked me, I wanted to clarify I’ve never met him before, I wanted to say « I’m sure I’m not the first person he’s done this to ». I apologize in advance for the little mistakes as English is not my first language !)

by jadylissia

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