Computer Science / Programming

Can you recommend any good resources for learning this kind of vocabulary? Anything from Anki to YouTube would be great. Thank you in advance!

  1. You can search what you want to know on YouTube and then watch videos. For example, java spring とは gets you this video about the Spring frame work. You can also just search java spring 日本語 to get results

    You can also just type the name of the language and then 言語 like c++言語 and get many results. This video was the first result for c++ポインタ

    Here are two links to just vocab lists I found which you could add to anki

    A lot of the programming terms are just the English name, especially any modern frameworks or techniques.

  2. jisho has some tags that is pretty useful for this. go to their about page (I think) and you can find some great words going through various tags related to computers etc.

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