10 year experience requirement – what counts?


I have gotten a job offer in Japan, but I have no uni degree. I have a couple years of experience, but unfortunately not 10. Lawyers I work with suggested including my technical school as practical experience as well, which should give me enough to fulfill the requirement.

I was wondering though, is there some actual definition of what can be counted as experience in this case? My technical school was a high school level education with additional classes, which resulted in a Technician title, which I guess would be considered postsecondary, but not tertiary level.

Did anyone of have some related experiences, or has a clue how “picky” they might be in this case?

Thanks a bunch.

  1. >I was wondering though, is there some actual definition of what can be counted as experience in this case

    Yes, what can be counted is professional experience where you were employed by a company to do work.

    Literally, immigration will want dates etc of what companies you worked for, will often want to know how much you were being paid at those positions and what hours you worked at those positions (making sure its a full time job).

    They can be extremely picky in some cases, and less in others depending on who is reviewing it honestly, but they will absolutely need to be 10 years of professional employment, any time in education / training will ***not*** count.

    As a note of them being picky, I had to at one point provide my original offer letters from all of the companies dating back 10 years.

  2. Curious that you got a job offer without the ten years experience. May I ask what field? And yes I do believe you can count school as part of the 10 year requirement.

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